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Washington DC street cleaning machines are notorious for ticketing unsuspecting visitors and residents. The program stops during the winter to allow snowplows to clean the streets during snow emergencies. The key to avoiding a ticket is to pay attention to signs that designate when street cleaning will occur. Keep reading to understand how street cleaning works in the capital and how to avoid those pesky tickets:

How does D.C. street cleaning work?

D.C.’s street cleaning program runs from March 1 to October 31. Drivers who park on streets during street sweeping hours until March 9 will only receive a warning ticket. After that, you have to pay the full amount of $45.

dc street cleaning map spot angels
Each street has a street cleaning sign which indicates if the street cleaning program operates in the area. The sign will tell you which days and hours street sweepers are expected to pass. If you live in a residential neighborhood, you may recognize the small red ‘tint vacs’. Check out this street cleaning map to plan your parking accordingly. Better yet, download the Spot Angels app to receive real-time alerts when you need to move your car for street cleaning. 

Is there street cleaning in the winter?

If the weather forecasts a snowstorm, the Mayor may declare a snow emergency and parking will be prohibited on streets that are designated as snow emergency routes. Look for signs with red lettering posted along the routes. This will allow the District Snow Team to clear the streets curb-to-curb. In general, rush-hour streets also are snow emergency routes.

What time is street cleaning in D.C.?

Street cleaning occurs throughout the day and depends on where you are in the city. Residential, commercial, and highly trafficked roads all operate on different hours. The easiest way to find out when street cleaning happens near you is to check out the D.C. street cleaning map. Simply type in the address you’re looking to find street cleaning information on, and the map will populate with restricted parking times.

Is it legal to park after the street sweeper passes?

“I saw the street sweeper pass two times already,” is not a good enough reason to move your car back to the street. Sometimes, a supervisor follows the cleaning truck and may request a second sweep.

Even if you see them pass before the two-hour time limit ends, they may come back for a second round to clear any leftovers. If you’re blocking their access, you may even get towed. Obeying the parking signs to a tee will help you avoid a parking ticket but also will make the job easier for street cleaning employees.

What kinds of signs should I look for?

Always check the street sign one extra time before leaving your car behind. Whether metered parking, residential areas, or street cleaning schedules, better safe than sorry! Street cleaning signs in DC tell you exactly when parking is prohibited.

dc street cleaning sign spot angelsStreet cleaning sign: You’re not allowed to park during the two-hour street sweeping duration as stated on the sign.

snow plowing sign dc spot angelsSnow plow parking sign: If you park on a street with this sign, you have to move your car when you receive a snow emergency alert.

How much does a street cleaning ticket cost?

Street cleaning tickets in D.C. cost $45 and double after 30 days if they haven’t been paid.

Are there street cleaning holidays in D.C.?

Even street sweepers enjoy holidays off. No need to move your car if the street cleaning hours happen to fall on a nationally recognized holiday.

Washington D.C. Street Cleaning Holidays are listed at the bottom of this page.

Click to see if Street Cleaning is suspended in the next days

So, how do I avoid a D.C. street cleaning ticket?

The best way to avoid parking tickets altogether is by paying extra attention to the city’s street signs. They can save you from a $45 parking ticket, or coming back to an empty parking spot just to realize your car has been towed. You can pay for your parking ticket with all major credit cards online, by mail, in person, or by calling (866) 893-5023.

View D.C. Street Sweeping Map

Start DateParking HolidayEnd Date
2025-01-01New Year's Day2025-01-01
2025-01-20Martin Luther King, Jr. Day2025-01-20
2025-02-17Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)2025-02-17
2025-04-16DC Emancipation Day2025-04-16
2025-05-26Memorial Day2025-05-26
2025-07-04Independence Day2025-07-04
2025-09-01Labor Day2025-09-01
2025-10-13Columbus Day2025-10-13
2025-11-11Veterans day2025-11-11
2025-11-27Thanksgiving Day2025-11-27
2025-12-25Christmas Day2025-12-25


    • SpotAngels Reply

      Hey Mary! In Washington, D.C., abandoned vehicles, including those with no tags, are not allowed to remain on public streets. You can report an abandoned vehicle by calling 311 or using the 311 app. The vehicle may be towed if it is considered abandoned.

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