Denver offers travelers and residents alike a wide variety of activities to explore. The good news is that you can find free street parking all over the city. The bad news is a tricky game to play. But don’t worry SpotAngels is here to the rescue 🙂
This guide will grant you Denver street parking superhero powers:
- An understanding of where free street parking spots are. (Check out this street parking map!)
- Familiarity with parking rules in Denver
Street Parking Map
The map below will show you all the spots where you can park, their price and how long you can stay without getting a ticket.
The map updates in real-time, so simply type in the address you’re parking near, the time you expect to be there, and your duration. The green spots are the ones that are free of charge!
Pro tip: the spots that have a yellow hallo are those where you are more likely to find parking. The information is constantly provided by the SpotAngels community.
Denver Parking Rules
Understanding the street parking rules in Denver is of great importance to avoid paying annoying tickets or getting your vehicle towed. For example you must be aware of the 72-hour parking rule in Denver: Even if there’s no sign saying so, residents should move vehicles parked in one spot after 72 hours.
Keep these rules in mind when parking in Denver:
- Park vehicles within 18 inches of the curb.
- Leave at least 2 feet between vehicles when parking on street.
- Allow for 10 feet or more when parking near a fire hydrant.
- Allow for 20 feet or more between your vehicle and the driveway entrance of a fire station. When parking opposite a fire station, allow 75 feet or more between your vehicle and the driveway entrance.
- Allow 5 feet or more when parking near alleys or driveways.
- Allow for 20 feet or more when parking adjacent to a crosswalk.
- Do not park in a crosswalk or intersection, on a sidewalk, or blocking a sidewalk or driveway.
- Allow for 50 feet or more when parking adjacent to a railroad crossing
Understanding the parking signs
You can find below a list of Denver most common parking signs.

Street Sweeping: You may NOT park during the posted hours. Otherwise, you risk getting your car towed-away if you park when not authorized.

No Parking sign: You may NOT park during the posted hours. Otherwise, you risk getting your car towed-away.

Time limit: You may park for the time limit posted for free. You may not park in the same block right after the end of the time limit. Vehicles must be moved 100’.

Passenger Loading zone or Loading zone: Parking in those zones is reserved exclusively for the use of vehicles that are loading or unloading passengers, baggage or goods, etc.

No Parking – permit excepted: Its purpose is to secure street parking for residents and business owners of a neighborhood.
If you hold a permit, you may park anytime.
If you don’t hold a permit, you may NOT park during the posted hours. Otherwise, you risk getting a parking ticket.

Reserved parking : You may park in that spot only if you hold the permit indicated.
Understanding the colored curbs
White Curbs
A white curb indicates that you can only briefly stop here, either to pick up or drop off passengers, unless there’s a sign that prohibits stopping.
Green Curbs
Green curbs are also only for limited parking. The amount of time you may stay here will be posted either on a sign or on the curb itself.
Yellow Curbs
This is a loading zone. Only park here if you’re loading or unloading, be it people or equipment.
Red Curbs
A red curb indicates that there’s a fire hydrant there or a bus stop. You shall not park there.
Blue Curbs
A blue curb indicates that the space is reserved for the handicapped. You will often see a crosshatched area next to a disabled parking space. No parking there either.
Denver Overnight Parking
Overnight parking in Denver is metered in most areas. Meters may be bagged with “No Parking” bags over the meter heads to keep the street clear of parked cars for construction, special events and filming.
Here are the hours and rates of overnight parking meters:
- Parking from 10:00 P.M. – 2:00 A.M. will be $1.00 per hour.
- While parking from 2:00 A.M. – 6:00 A.M. will cost $0.50 per hour.
- And parking between 6:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M. will be free.
- Vehicles must be moved 100’ after two hours if they park between the hours of 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M.
- The two‐hour parking limit rule will end at 10:00 P.M., allowing vehicles to park from 10:00 P.M. ‐ 8:00 A.M. in one space without moving their vehicle (total of $6 with the 2‐hour free period between 6:00 – 8:00 A.M.).
- Metered parking from 12:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M. on Sundays and posted holidays will continue to be free. However, drivers will need to pay for parking beginning at 12:00 A.M. the day after the free day.
Denver Parking Permits
A Parking Permit (Residential or Area) exempts a resident’s vehicle from the posted, on-street parking time limit restrictions ONLY for the area within which the permit is valid. Residential Parking Permits are valid only on the block which the resident resides. The Area Permit will exempt permit holders from certain parking restrictions within a prescribed area.
You ca apply to get your parking permit here.
Denver Tickets & Towing
Parking fines in Denver range usually from $25 to $75, depending on the violation that you commit.
Unlike many municipalities, Denver doesn’t automatically impound towed vehicles. Vehicles that are towed are often relocated to a nearby location and parked legally there. There is a $100 tow fee incurred for moving a vehicle.
If your vehicle’s been towed, contact the Denver Police Non-Emergency line to locate it: 720-913-2000 (When you get the recorded message, hit 0 for the operator; they will look up your vehicle’s location.)
Make sure to use the SpotAngels parking app when you park. You will receive notifications and text messages to remind you to move your car!
Denver Parking Holidays:
Denver metered parking is suspended during Holidays! Here they are:
Start Date | Parking Holiday | End Date |
2025-01-01 | New Year's Day | 2025-01-01 |
2025-01-20 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | 2025-01-20 |
2025-02-17 | Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day) | 2025-02-17 |
2025-03-31 | Cesar Chavez Day | 2025-03-31 |
2025-05-26 | Memorial Day | 2025-05-26 |
2025-07-04 | Independence Day | 2025-07-04 |
2025-09-01 | Labor Day | 2025-09-01 |
2025-11-11 | Veterans day | 2025-11-11 |
2025-11-27 | Thanksgiving Day | 2025-11-27 |
2025-12-25 | Christmas Day | 2025-12-25 |
If you want to be notified when the meter parking in Downtown Denver and other areas is suspended and find parking on the go, download the SpotAngels app. It is free, the data is constantly updated by the community and it was featured as the best parking app by Apple and Google!