General San Diego Street Parking Tips

The city of San Diego is known for its steep inclines and breathtaking views of the bay. It’s a crowded city and parking can get competitive but luckily, the city has plans in place to increase the number of street parking spots available to residents and non-residents alike. A portion of all metered parking revenue even goes to developing new parking spots, parking garages, and programs. Keep reading to find out about San Diego’s colored curbs, metered parking rules, overnight parking rules, and more.

Keep these parking rules in mind:

  • If you’re parking on a hill with a 3% grade or higher, ‘cramp’ your wheels – turn them towards the curb on a downhill and away from the curb on an uphill, or risk a ticket.
  • Vehicles can’t park on a public street for longer than 72 hours.
  • Parking is prohibited in alleys, except for the purpose of actively unloading goods or passengers, unless the alley is specifically designated as an alley parking zone.
  • If you’re driving a commercial vehicle, parking in residential areas is prohibited unless you’re actively loading or unloading the vehicle.

Parking is prohibited:

  • in an intersection or a crosswalk;
  • within 15 feet of a fire station driveway or fire hydrant
  • on a sidewalk or parkway;
  • on the roadway side of a parked vehicle (double parking);
  • in a bus stop;
  • in a tunnel;
  • upon a bridge (unless otherwise posted);
  • in such a manner that obstructs the free use of the street;
  • in a center median strip unless signs are posted permitting parking on the median; and
  • in front of a public or private driveway (even your own driveway!)

San Diego Parking Signs and Meters:

The City manages approximately 5,700 metered parking spaces. Currently, meters accept payments from the following:

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover)
  • Mobile Phone Payment on meters displaying a green Parkmobile sticker.
  • Near Field Communication (NFC) payments such as Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Samsung Pay on certain enabled meters.
  • Coins

Here are common parking signs throughout the city:

short term parking sign san diego spot angelsShort-Term Time Limit Parking:  Parking is limited to the time period stenciled on the curb or posted on a sign. In most cases, the time limit is either 15 or 30 minutes. Short-term time limit parking zones are in effect 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Sundays and City holidays excepted, unless otherwise parking anytime sign san diego spot angels

No Parking: If no hours are specified, you’re not allowed to park here at any time. Check the sign for specified hours to see whether certain times of day are unrestricted.

street sweeping sign san diego

Street Sweeping: During street sweeping hours, your car will get towed if you park near this sign. Check out our street sweeping guide to learn more.

residential parking permit san diego

Residential Parking: Only cars with residential parking permits can park here. You can apply for residential and visitor parking permits online.

Is there much free parking in downtown San Diego?

Free parking downtown is scarce, but it does exist if you know where to look. Find free parking now with this guide.

Need to park overnight?

If you’re looking for overnight parking in residential areas, check the signs nearby and keep the 72-hour rule in mind. If you’re parking in a commercial area or business district, make sure you know exactly when the parking meters begin ticking the morning after you park.

Better yet, visit this San Diego overnight parking map to find out how long you have until the meter begins and use the app to set a phone alert to remind you when you need to move your car.

Pay Attention to Curb Color Rules When You Park:

Keep in mind, no portion of the vehicle should extend into the restricted area or you’re at risk to be ticketed and stay 15 feet away from fire hydrants at all times, regardless of curb color.


A red curb means, “no stopping any time.” When signs are used in place of a red curb, the prohibition is in effect on the days and times specified on the sign otherwise, this restriction is in effect 24/7.


Vehicles are allowed to stop for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers on this curb. The time limit is three minutes or ten minutes in front of a hotel. Passenger loading zones are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless otherwise posted.


Trucks and commercial vehicles can stop for 20 minutes to load or unload goods. Passenger vehicles may also stop for three minutes to load or unload passengers. These zones are in effect from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday thru Saturday unless otherwise posted.


These curbs are designated by signs and zones are in effect from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Saturday. That means metered parking is free on Sundays!

When are parking meters enforced?

The majority of parking meters are enforced Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. but if you’re in the Hospitality Zone Downtown or the Hillcrest Commercial Zone in Hillcrest, those meters operate until 8 p.m. Metered parking is free on Sundays. Always check the posted signs for enforcement hours to avoid those pesky tickets. Even moving trucks don’t get a pass – everyone is required to pay the parking meter.


    Vehicles displaying a disability placard or license plate from any state are able to park at green curbs and time limit zones with no time restriction. Additionally, disabled drivers can park at any metered parking spot for free!

    Broken meter?

    If you park at a broken meter, the city recommends that you move to a meter that is functioning properly. To report the broken meter, call the Parking Meter Shop at (800) 808-5998. Keep track of the number on the parking meter before you call, which can be found on a metal plate toward the bottom of the meter, on the street side.

    What are the most common parking tickets in San Diego?

    If you have a parking ticket in San Diego, pay it within 21 days or risk an even higher bill! The city of San Diego also offers a payment plan for low-income residents. Find out more about that program on their website. Here are the most common parking tickets and their costs:

    Ticket Cost First Late Fee Second Late Fee
    Wrong-way parking on a one-way street $59.50 $47.00 $10.00
    Failing to cramp wheels while parking on a grade $59.50 $47.00 $10.00
    Parking or standing in a fire lane $77.50 $65.00 $10.00
    Vehicle was not moved in 72 hours $53.50 $41.00 $10.00
    Parking in a loading zone $57.50 $45.00 $10.00
    Expired meter $42.50 $30.00 $10.00
    Overnight parking in a restricted area $59.50 $47.00 $10.00
    Temporary no parking / Tow-away zone $52.50 $40.00 $10.00
    Parking in a disabled space without a placard $452.50 $0.00 $10.00

    How do I pay a San Diego parking ticket?

    Drivers with parking tickets are encouraged to pay online using the city’s website.

    What do I do if my car gets towed?

    If you believe your vehicle may have been towed by the City of San Diego, search AutoReturn, the website the city uses to document towed vehicles. If you’re unable to locate your vehicle using AutoReturn, call the Police Non-Emergency phone number at (619) 531-2000.

    When are San Diego’s parking holidays?

    Parking enforcement holidays are limited to parking meters, yellow commercial zones, short-term green zones and 1- to 2-hour time parking zones. All other parking regulations are enforced on the following holidays. Be sure to read parking signage for time frame restrictions and parking guidelines.

    Start DateParking HolidayEnd Date
    2025-01-01New Year's Day2025-01-01
    2025-01-20Martin Luther King, Jr. Day2025-01-20
    2025-02-17Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)2025-02-17
    2025-03-31Cesar Chavez Day2025-03-31
    2025-05-26Memorial Day2025-05-26
    2025-07-04Independence Day2025-07-04
    2025-09-01Labor Day2025-09-01
    2025-11-11Veterans day2025-11-11
    2025-11-27Thanksgiving Day2025-11-27
    2025-12-25Christmas Day2025-12-25


    1. Does San Diego block out 2 hour parking by block instead of single stall. I received ticket for breaking 2 hour but my car was moved to opposite side of street with then checking start time on one side and the second check after I moved it to other side.

      • You have to move the car atleast X amount of feet. It’s like 100 or 150, something like that. Unfortunately the rule exists for good reason. Just sucks when you don’t know

      • SpotAngels Reply

        Hey there! In San Diego, parking regulations, including time limits, are generally enforced on a per-stall basis, not by block. So if you moved your car from one side of the street to the other, the two-hour limit should be considered separately for each side of the street, assuming you’re parking in two different areas with separate time limits.

        If you received a ticket after moving your car, it sounds like it may have been issued based on the idea that you exceeded the time limit, but moving your car to the opposite side should technically reset the clock for that side, unless the parking signs indicate otherwise (e.g., for certain areas with continuous time limits or specific rules for moving cars).

        I’d recommend reviewing the exact location and signs for any specific rules about re-parking, as well as looking at the ticket details.

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