Soho parking can be very challenging since New York City is the most ticketed city in the US. Last year, Thousands of parking tickets were issued in the city(!)

SpotAngels is here to the rescue šŸ¦øā€ā™€ļø This guide will help you:

  1. Understand the street parking rules in Soho
  2. Find the best Soho garage deals

Soho Street Parking Rules

For starters, the entire city is a designated tow-away zone. That means that if you are found in violation of any parking rules, you could be towed. NYC is so serious about towing that the NYPD even has its own fleet of tow trucks. Hereā€™s how to avoid being towed right off the bat:

  1. Make sure your vehicle registration and inspection stickers are upĀ to date, if applicable.
  2. Never, ever double park your vehicle. If thereā€™s already a car parked beside the curb, do not park beside it. Ever.
  3. Do not park within 15 feet of either side of a fire hydrant. Donā€™t rely on those nifty painted curbs, either. They lie.
  4. After you park, check the SpotAngels app to check the street parking rules and be reminded when you need to move your car
SpotAngels Alternate Side Parking App

Download The SpotAngels App

For more information, you can check the parking map below ā€“ it has the Soho alternate side parking hours, the meter rates, and the garage deals!

Soho Parking Map

View Soho Parking Map

Soho Monthly Garage Deals

If you are looking for a parking spot to rent in Soho, here are some of the garages offering monthly parking deals:

Soho Parking Monthly Map

View Soho Monthly Garage Deals

To find parking on the go, download the award-winning SpotAngels app. It is free šŸ˜‰

SpotAngels Free Parking App

Download The SpotAngels App

Do you have more concerns or questions about parking? We can help! Please email us at

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