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Hoboken Parking

The Ultimate Guide to Hoboken Street Parking

Hoboken is a small city with a cosmopolitan vibe that offers everything a big city has – including parking hassles. The good news is that in tiny Hoboken, just a mile square, once you find a parking spot you may be able to walk everywhere you need to go.

The bad news? Because of Hoboken’s parking squeeze, the city has employed some rather interesting restrictions to prevent visitors from hogging street parking throughout the day.

To enjoy your visit to Hoboken, start with our list of what you need to know to avoid getting a Hoboken parking ticket. Then check out our interactive Hoboken parking map.

During your visit, also make sure to spend some time by the riverfront and look gleefully across the Hudson River at the country’s most ticketed city — New York City, which even has its own fleet of tow trucks — as you bask in the warmth of this comfy, quaint town.



Hoboken is a walkable city. Because of this traffic officials really want you to see their pedestrians. So don’t park within 25 feet of a crosswalk. Many Hoboken parking tickets are written for this offense.

There are exceptions to this 25-foot rule. Sometimes you can park within 15 feet of a crosswalk, but only at certain locations and during certain times. These areas are frankly a bit confusing (some curbs are painted red AND yellow) so check Hoboken’s Extended Parking Zones page to learn more.


Admit it. You’ve always moved your vehicle from one parking place to another to avoid getting a ticket, right? Well, Hoboken frowns upon this and uses some advanced technology to dissuade you from doing so. They also treat the entire city as one great big street parking zone. It’s all intended to ease congestion by limiting you to 4 hours of street parking per day unless you have a parking permit.

Here’s how it works.

Hoboken meters or signs that limit free parking to 2 or 4 hours apply to the entire city for the entire day.

If you’re parked in a 4-hour zone for 3 hours 59 minutes, you’ve got only 1 minute left to park in any other 4-hour zone throughout the city that entire day. The same rule applies to 2-hour parking.

We know what you’re thinking. “I’ll park at a 2-hour meter then move to a 4-hour zone.” Wrong! Hoboken limits you to 4 hours of street parking for the entire day. After four hours you’ll have to go elsewhere, like one of the city’s five parking garages. You could also wait until after 9:00 p.m. when metered parking ends and you can park on the street for free.

How do they do this? Hoboken uses “license plate recognition” technology to follow your car around town. Does it work? Assume it does, since their website offers this stern warning: “Illegally parked vehicles are immediately summonsed and booted/towed.” (We don’t know if “summonsed” is actually a word, but who are we to argue?)


Hoboken is a little different than most cities because of some unique curb color features. Green curbs are reserved for Corner Cars rideshare vehicles. Yellow curbs are also a bit different with their Extended Parking Zones.

Green curb

Reserved for Corner Cars rideshare vehicles only.

Yellow curb

They typically designate loading and unloading during specific hours. But yellow curbs also designate Extended Parking Zones. These zones allow parking closer to crosswalks than the usual 25 feet requirement. Check out the city’s Extended Parking Zones page for more.

White or Unpainted curb

Parking here is enforced by meters or permits. Check signs carefully for regulations.

Blue curb

Reserved for Handicapped permits only. Keep in mind that many handicap spaces are for specific types of vehicles. If you’re disabled, check the signs above to be sure your vehicle can park here.

Red curb

Red curb: Don’t park here. Ever. Red curbs are reserved for emergency or city response vehicles only. You might get towed. Don’t even think about it.

Other tips on not getting a ticket in Hoboken? The usual suspects. Don’t park at bus stops. Or fire zones. Or taxi stands or shuttle bus stands or loading zones.

You can also use the free SpotAngels app to automatically set reminders for you when you park. It is available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.



Before visiting Hoboken, make sure to read rules above. They’ll help save you from a ticket more than anything else.

Below are your visitor parking options in Hoboken. You can also explore our interactive map to find free or cheap parking for the duration of your visit.

Free parking

4-hour parking

Free parking for 4 hours is available at the sign shown here: “Permit Parking Only” and below “All Others 4 Hour Limit.” That’s you. Keep in mind 4-hour parking is limited to 4 hours throughout the city for the entire day.



Important! Don’t confuse this sign with ones directly across the street that are reserved solely for residents. Thanks to Hoboken Girl we’ve borrowed the adage: “White good, green bad.” Look at the bottom of the signs. A white sign with green lettering (good) means it’s ok for visitors to park for 4 hours. A green background with white lettering (bad) is for residents only.

All-day parking

You can only park for free for the entire day in Hoboken if you’re visiting a friend or family member who is a resident or if you are a business visitor.

Visitor Parking Permit:

You’ll need to ask your friends or family about getting a visitor parking permit before your arrival.
Visitors with this permit can park in “Permit Parking Only” zones. They cannot park in “Resident Permit Parking Only” zones.
Most visitors will come for a single day. But there are also multi-day permits up to 7 days, and annual permits for visitors of Disabled residents or Seniors (62 and up). All visitor permits expire at 11:59 p.m. of the last day.

Business Parking Permit:

This is for business visitors, such as nannies, cleaners, home care workers, or contractors. These visitors can park in the “Permit Parking Only” zones during the typical work day. They cannot park in “Resident Permit Parking Only” zones.

Business parking permits are issued for a month, quarter, or year. They expire at 11:59 on the final day.

Paid parking

2-hour and 4-hour parking

Hoboken uses parking meters and “pay and display” stations that enable parking for 2 or 4 hours. Pay with quarters, credit card, debit card, or a smart card you can buy at those same pay stations.

Remember: 2-hour metered parking is limited to 2 hours throughout the entire city for the entire day.

2-hour metered parking is in effect from 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. After that it’s free.

Can you park at a broken meter? Nope, not in Hoboken. Find a working meter.

All-day parking

Try Hoboken’s five city parking garages. If you’re shopping in Hoboken, local businesses offer discount tickets. 


Free parking

Here are the street parking permits you can get as a Hoboken resident. Many are available online through the city of Hoboken. With these permits you can street park for free but be ware of street cleaning! (read our full guide about street cleaning)

Standard Parking Permit: This is for Hoboken residents with a New Jersey license and registration both showing their current address. It also applies to leased and company vehicles.

Temporary Parking Permit: Some Hoboken residents may not live at the address on their license and registration. They may be renting, having repairs done on their house, or have temporary plates. This permit is for you.

Driveway Parking Permit: Hoboken residents can apply to park in front of their own driveway. You still have to obey cleaning or other restrictions on the street, especially where the car extends beyond the driveway itself.

Handicap Reserved Parking Permit: Some Hoboken residents with limited mobility can park on the street close to home in specially reserved areas. The City Council appoints a committee to review all such handicap applications. You must also be reviewed by a healthcare professional.

Temporary No Parking Signs: These are for Hoboken residents who temporarily need some extra space in front of their home. They may be moving, expecting large deliveries, or have contractors working on their home.

Garage parking and monthly parking

Sometimes it’s not practical for Hoboken residents to park on the street because of street cleaning rules, bad weather, vacations or simple convenience. Check out the city’s parking garages page for more.

Here are their permit options for city garages with round-the-clock access:

Resident Monthly Standard: Hoboken residents get a discounted rate for unlimited, round-the-clock garage parking.

Resident Monthly Limited: If you drive to work and need a parking garage, this one’s for you. Discount rates for Hoboken residents.

Resident Monthly Senior: Are you a senior 62 and up? You’re eligible for this discounted parking rate.

Resident Overnight: Hoboken residents can buy 12 hours of inexpensive overnight parking from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Great for parties or overnight guests! Here is a map for overnight parking.

Resident Emergency: Bad weather? Residents get garage access for 24 hours during snow storms, heavy rains, or other acts of nature.

Vacation Spot: Going out of town and won’t be able to move your car during street sweeping hours? Hoboken residents can park in a city garage at a discounted rate.


You know that glorious feeling when you’re about to feed the meter then realize it’s a holiday? Free parking! It feels like flying! Here are the days when Hoboken parking rules aren’t in effect and parking is free.

Start DateParking HolidayEnd Date
2025-01-01New Year's Day2025-01-01
2025-01-20Martin Luther King, Jr. Day2025-01-20
2025-02-17Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)2025-02-17
2025-04-18Good Friday2025-04-18
2025-05-26Memorial Day2025-05-26
2025-07-04Independence Day2025-07-04
2025-09-01Labor Day2025-09-01
2025-10-13Columbus Day2025-10-13
2025-11-04Election Day2025-11-04
2025-11-11Veterans day2025-11-11
2025-11-27Thanksgiving Day2025-11-27
2025-11-28Day after Thanksgiving2025-11-28
2025-12-25Christmas Day2025-12-25

View Map with Holiday Schedule

For residents who need to cope with street cleaning, this guide will tell you the days when street cleaning (alternate side parking regulations) is suspended.

View Hoboken Parking Map

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