Street Cleaning is suspended on the following days:
Mon, May 26 2025 for Memorial Day
Fri, Jul 4 2025 for Independence Day
Mon, Sep 1 2025 for Labor Day
Street cleaning is managed by San Francisco Public Works, the city department in charge of sweeping the streets. They do it weekly or twice per month in residential areas and at least once per week in commercial areas. During street cleaning hours, residents must move their cars and property owners must make sure the tree in front of their home is trimmed up to 14 feet.
There are signs on the side of the street to inform residents of the street cleaning hours. These may differ radically from one block to another. In residential areas, street sweeping tends to happen any time from the early morning to the afternoon. In commercial areas, street sweeping usually happens at night. To make it easy for you to find the San Francisco street cleaning schedule, you can use this map and tap on any spot to view the hours of enforcement.
It’s safe to park only if you’ve seen a parking ticket officer citing un-moved cars followed by the street sweeper (if you’ve never seen one it is the heavy truck with big brushes and large vacuum tubes). If you have a doubt, you’d better not park to avoid a street cleaning violation.
In 2018, violating street cleaning will cost you $73! The fine has gone up from $68 (2016) and increases on a yearly basis. It is also the most issued type of ticket among SF parking tickets.
In residential areas, street cleaning is suspended during the legal holidays below.
In areas with 7-day night street sweeping (mostly commercial areas), street cleaning is suspended only on the 3 holidays flagged with a *.
* New Year’s Day - Jan 1
Martin Luther King Day - Jan 21
Presidents Day - Feb 18
Memorial Day - May 27
Independence Day - Jul 4
Labor Day - Sep 2
Columbus Day - Oct 14
Veterans Day - Nov 11
* Thanksgiving Day - Nov 28
Day after Thanksgiving Day - Nov 29
* Christmas Day - Dec 25